Stamford u3a is part of the University of the Third Age, a self-help organisation of people no longer in full-time employment, providing education, creative and leisure opportunities in a friendly environment. Stamford u3a is run by a committee of volunteers who take on specific roles to make sure that all members are well informed about the many things which make Stamford u3a such a great place to learn, laugh and live !

All of the activities of the almost 50 groups going on at the moment are listed via the link  Groups. Others are be added as members become leaders of other groups. New Group content is now shown via the red button marked Group News below.

Monthly general member meetings are held on the first Monday of every month, except for Bank Holidays, when it moves to the second Monday in the month. We open with tea, coffee, and light refreshments at 9:45 am until the meeting begins at 10:30 am. These meetings take place in Trinity Methodist Church, 11 Barn Hill, Stamford PE9 2AE.  A diagram of the local area is shown below:-

The main entrance is shown in the first photo below, and is a view of the church from just above it in Barn Hill, with an extended view down into All Saints Place, leading to Red Lion Square. The rear entrance, in North Street, is shown in the second photo.

Access to the meetings is actually via a passage to the rear entrance, the entry to which is just visible via two pillars to the right-hand side of the church front view, as shown. Go down that passage to enter via the rear of the church on the North Street side. The postcode location of the church is PE9 2AE.

The North Street rear entrance is usually considered the more convenient access point for meetings, as North Street is also the location of a car park which is on the opposite side of the road. Otherwise, there is car parking in Wharf Road, just off Albert Road, down near the river, or there is free parking – if you can get it – along Bath Row in the valley bottom, accessed from Castle Dyke. Please do not park in the church car park, as the vicar and designated persons need to park there.

Access for the monthly general meetings is from 9.45 am, with the meeting itself beginning at 10.30 am. Prior to the meeting, refreshments and drinks are available, and everyone, whether newcomers or established u3a members, are required to sign one of the attendance registers, for health and safety reasons.

NB: Please note that mobility-restricted members now have a reserved seat at the very front of the church downstairs area, with plenty of room for any necessary equipment which members need for mobility. Additionally, speakers and presenters will be informed in advance of the possibility of early and necessary departures of such members before a talk or presentation has ended.

For prospective and existing members, Beverley Meader is our membership secretary, contactable via her email address:   

or in person at one of our general meetings. To join, click on  Membership to obtain the application formOther committee members, including our New Members Contact, Yas Fairbairn, can be contacted via the details listed under   Contacts.

Useful information for both members and non-members can be gained via the link  Connections, including a Youtube video tour from Barn Hill, where our general meetings take place, to all around Stamford town itself.

A general email address for contacting the committee and group leaders is:

We have an excellent Newsletter, and also the Chairman produces a regular E-Bulletin, which you are most welcome to read or download, as well. If you have any comments or suggestions about our newly-emerging website, then please don’t hesitate to email the Multimedia Officer, Roger Green, using the email address above. Previous editions of these documents are available.